Welcome to our Southern Alleghenies chapter of PennAEYC's page!
Our vision is to lead in the promotion of excellence in early childhood education in Southern Allegheny.
The Southern Alleghenies Chapter of PennAEYC , and NAEYC, is committed to serving children, their families and early childhood professionals in South Central Pennsylvania. We serve the ECE professionals in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Franklin, Huntingdon and Somerset and the surrounding communities. We provide Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED training and annual events for The Week of the Young Child among other professional development, conferences, and resources. Scholarships are available on a limited basis for those who qualify for the ECE Registered Apprenticeship Program. Our board is made up of volunteers who want to make a difference in the lives of young children. The Southern Alleghenies Chapter of PennAEYC looks forward to bringing resources to the community and continuing its work in the promotion of high-quality early learning and childhood programs for all children. We welcome all who would like to attend a virtual board meeting to learn more about our chapter.
Our Mission is to:
- To increase community awareness and understanding of the needs and rights of all young children, families, and early childhood educators through advocacy and public policy initiatives.
- To create and promote high quality professional development experiences for early childhood educators.
- To advocate for standards of professional practice and quality in early childhood education.
- To model inclusiveness, belonging and respect for diversity in our profession.
Our Values:
In pursuit of our mission, the Southern Alleghenies Chapter PennAEYC is committed to these values:
- Support for children and families to ensure that children can grow, learn, and develop to their full potential during their early years.
- Advocacy for inclusion and equality of all children in early childhood programs
- Respect for diverse views and perspectives related to developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood care and education.
- Support and recognize the profession of early childhood education and care by encouraging the professional development of educators and caregivers.
Southern Alleghenies Chapter Contacts
Amy Pinkerton, First Start Partnerships, apinkerton@firststartpartnerships.org
Anna Zettle, The Learning Lamp, azettle@thelearninglamp.org
Upcoming Events
Chapter Newsletter:
Newsletter October 13 2023.docx
TBD-In Process