PennAEYC stays current on proposals and actions to change the early care and education system at the state and federal levels so we can influence the outcome and inform our members and other concerned Pennsylvanians of possible change.

PennAEYC Positions Statements

PennAEYC monitors and responds to legislative, regulatory and administrative actions impacting the early care and education system at the state and federal levels. Learn more about current proposals by downloading our position statements. If you have questions please contact Kimberly Early.

2025-26 Pennsylvania Legislation



PN refers to the term "printer's number". Bills have a printer’s number in the upper right-hand corner, known as the printer’s number. If a bill is amended, it is given a new printer’s number to reflect changes have been made to the bill. All previous numbers are in the upper left-hand corner of a bill.

For information on how to read a bill, please go here.