Professional Membership
A professional membership with PennAEYC is the best way to stay connected to the latest information, action and research about early care and education. PennAEYC membership offers opportunities to network with thousands of other professionals across Pennsylvania through social media, professional development, advocacy and local chapter activities and events.

PennAEYC membership offers a growing variety of opportunities through member groups known as chapters. Each chapter offers unique benefits to PennAEYC members designed to support the needs and interests of Pennsylvania’s early learning professionals.
Your paid membership with PennAEYC includes membership in the nation’s largest early childhood professional membership organization, NAEYC, the National Association for the Education of Young Children. The association is comprised of nearly 60,000 individual members of the early childhood community all committed to delivering on the promise of high-quality early learning. Together, we work to achieve a collective vision: that all Pennsylvania families will have access to high-quality, affordable early childhood care and education opportunities for their children provided by a profession that is valued, well-compensated and supported.